Scion has been funded by DOC to deliver a ‘Myrtle Rust – Jobs for Resistance’ (“Jobs for Resistance”) project over three years under the Jobs for Nature Program. SCION approached Rotoiti 15 Trust to enter a subcontract relationship to manage and deliver the Technician roles generating from the project.
After a robust recruitment process, 10 staff were on boarded in April 2022 to deliver on the field components of the mahi.
This project aligns with the Rotoiti 15 Trusts Tiaki Taiao strategic pou, which aims to protect and enhance our taiao. It also aligns with Kia Puawai- our strategic pou which focuses on building capability and capacity within our people.
Working in partnership, SCION and Rotoiti15 aim to:
· Develop and implement a myrtle rust surveillance and monitoring program for the Bay of Plenty;
• Assess host susceptibility, and conserve genetic variation, to establish a resistance breeding program;
• Provide a transferrable template (policies, processes, protocols, training) for use in other regions susceptible to Myrtle Rust.
At this stage of the project we are located in and around Rotoiti and Rotomā, but will be extending the surveillance wider once we receive relevant approvals/invitations from Mana whenua to undertake this mahi in their respective rohe.
Myrtle rust is a plant disease caused by the fungus Austropuccinia psidii. It produces yellow powder-like spores that can be easily spread through direct contact or by the wind. Once established on a host tree or shrub, it destroys new growth and soft tissues, eventually killing the plant.
Some of our most iconic native plants are vulnerable to myrtle rust, including:
Further information about the pathogen can be found at:
A key component of the funding is the creation of jobs and the employment of locals. In order to meet this social procurement criteria, Rotoiti 15 has employed a team of our haukainga some of which were previously unemployed/lost work due to the Covid-19 pandemic, to deliver on field work component of this project.
The project also utilizes local suppliers and Māori business where specialist services are required.
The Project is governed by Te Rimu Māmore- the Project Advisory Group, made up of representatives from Mana whenua, Rotoiti 15 Ahu Whenua Trust, DOC and SCION. Te Rimu Māmore meets quarterly to consider project progress.
For more detail on the project you can contact the office on 07 343 7365 or Equally feel free to come and visit us at Level 1, 1172 Haupapa Street, Rotorua during our office hours 10-2 Mon-Thursday.