Pūtea Āwhina Koeke
Senior Citizens Grant
Applications close:
applications close on:
October 31, 2025

Ko te Pūtake o ngā Pūtea Āwhina Koeke he:

  1. Mihi ki te tūnga o ngā koeke i ō tatau whānau, hapū, iwi, hapori hoki
  2. Mihi ki ngā whakatupuranga kīhai i whiwhi pūtea, he iti rānei te whiwhinga pūtea nō te whenua mō te toru tekau tau.

Ia tau e 70% o ngā tuaritanga he pūtea āwhina koeke ā, ka utua mā ngā taumata e toru e ai ki te rōpū pakeke:

  • 70 – 79
  • 80 – 89
  • 90+


Ko ngā paearu me mātua whai ngā kaiwhiwhi pūtea āwhina koeke:

  • me 70 tau, pakeke ake rānei i te 1 o Whiringa-ā-nuku o taua tau tonu;
  • he kaipupuri hea, he uri rānei o tētehi kaipupuri hea;
  • he kaiwhiwhi pūtea āwhina rānei o tētehi tarati ā-whānau kaipupuri hea;
  • ka whai pānga whenua rānei mō tōna oranga katoa i Rotoiti 15 i nāianei;
  • e noho ana i Aotearoa
  • me 70 tau, pakeke ake rānei i te 1 o Whiringa-ā-nuku o taua tau tonu;
  • he kaipupuri hea, he uri rānei o tētehi kaipupuri hea;
  • he kaiwhiwhi pūtea āwhina rānei o tētehi tarati ā-whānau kaipupuri hea;
  • ka whai pānga whenua rānei mō tōna oranga katoa i Rotoiti 15 i nāianei;
  • e noho ana i Aotearoa

E āhei ana te Tarati te utu pūtea āwhina ki ngā koeke kua tukuna mai ngā mōhiohio e whai ake nei:

  • He whakatūturu ōkawa i tōna pakeke (uruwhenua, raihana waka, Tiwhikete Whānautanga Mai rānei)
  • He Nama Pūtea Pēke Whaimana
  • He Wāhi Noho Kāinga

Ka tonoa ngā kaitono kia whakahoungia ō ratau taipitopito i ia toru tau kia tika ai ngā mauhanga mōhiohio kai te Tarati.

Pepa Tono Pūtea Āwhina Kaumātua

Kia mōhio noa, ka tiakina aunoatia e te paetukutuku ō mōhiohio. Mehemea tē taea te whakaoti tēnei tono i te nohonga kotahi, me kati noa i te pūtirotiro ā, ka hoki mai anō ki tēnei whārangi (me whakamahi i te pūrere ōrite) ina rite ai koe.

Tukuna ngā tono ki konei

The Purpose of Koeke Grants is to:

  1. Acknowledge the role koeke play in our whānau, hapū, iwi and communities
  2. Acknowledge the generations that went with 'no or little' income from the land over three decades
  3. Provide funds in order to alleviate an aged-related issue.

Koeke grants are allocated 70% of distributions annually and are paid in three tiers based on age bands:

  • 70 - 79
  • 80 - 89
  • 90+


Koeke grant recipients must be:

  • 70 years or over as at 1 November of current year;
  • A shareholder or a descendant of one; or
  • A beneficiary of a whānau trust who is a shareholder; or
  • Currently hold a life interest in Rotoiti 15
  • Living in New Zealand

The Trust is only able to pay grants to koeke who have provided the following:

  • Formal proof of age (passport, driver's license or Birth Certificate)
  • Valid Bank Account Number
  • Residential Address

Applicants are asked to update their details every three years to ensure the Trust's records are up to date and utilise funds to alleviate an aged-related issue.

Please note that the website automatically saves your information. If you are unable to complete this application in one sitting, simply close your browser and return to this page (using the same device) when you are ready.

Pūtea Āwhina Koeke
Senior Citizens Grant

Kia mōhio noa, ka tiakina aunoatia e te paetukutuku ō mōhiohio. Mehemea tē taea te whakaoti tēnei tono i te nohonga kotahi, me kati noa i te pūtirotiro ā, ka hoki mai anō ki tēnei whārangi (me whakamahi i te pūrere ōrite) ina rite ai koe.

Please note that the website automatically saves your information. If you are unable to complete this application in one sitting, simply close your browser and return to this page (using the same device) when you are ready.

Please send additional supporting documents via email at info@rotoiti15.com