Pūtea Āwhina Moni Hanga/Whakatika Marae
Marae Capital Works Fund
Applications close:
applications close on:
April 30, 2025

Te pūtake o te pūtea āwhina hanga/whakatika marae:

  • He tautoko i te whakatika me te whakahou i ngā whakaurunga marae
  • He whakatairanga i te puritanga me te whakareinga o tō tatau ahurea
  • He mihi ki te mana motuhake a ngā marae i ō tatau hapori


  • Ka wātea he pūtea āwhina tātāwhāinga $50,000 ki ngā marae tūhono 12 o te Tarati mō te utu i ngā mahi hanga whare rānei, ngā mahi whakatika nui rānei i ngā whakaurunga  
  • Ina whiwhi ai i tētehi marae te pūtea āwhina hanga/whakatika whare, kāore e āhei te whiwhi anō tēnei pūtea āwhina mō ngā tau e rima e whai atu ana, kia huri haere te pūtea āwhina ki waenga i ngā marae 13

Me whakaatu mai ngā kaitono i wēnei e whai ake nei:

  • He pepa tono kua oti te whakakī
  • Ko ngā taipitopito o te hinonga, tae atu ki ngā whakatau utu, ngā mahere, ngā whakaaetanga rawa (mehemea ka whai take)
  • He taunakitanga tautoko nā ngā Kaitiaki Marae
  • Kai ngā Mātārae te tikanga kia tonoa he mōhiohio āpiti e taea ai te take te whakatau

Marae Tūhono:

  1. Te Waiiti (Ngāti Hinekura)
  2. Pounamunui/Otaramarae (Ngāti Hinekura)
  3. Taurua (Ngāti Te Rangiunuora)
  4. Te Punawhakareia (Ngāti Te Rangiunuora)
  5. Waikohatu (Ngāti Tarawhai)
  6. Ruaihona (Ngāti Tarawhai)
  7. Hinemihi (Ngāti Hinemihi)
  8. Ngapumanawa (Ngāti Rongomai)
  9. Tapuaekura/Rakeiao (Ngāti Rongomai)
  10. Kahumatamomoe (Ngāti Rongomai)
  11. Mataikotare (Ngāti Rangiteaorere)
  12.  Te Takinga (Ngāti Te Takinga)
  13. Paruaharanui (Ngati Parua)

The purpose of the capital grants are to:

  • Support the Maintenance and upgrading of marae Infrastructure
  • Promote the retention and enhancement of our culture
  • Acknowledge the special role marae play in our communities


  • $50,000 contestable grant will be available to any of the Trust's 12 affiliate marae for the purposes of undertaking capital works or major infrastructure repair
  • When a marae receives a capital works grant, they are not eligible to receive this grant for the subsequent 5 years, to encourage rotation of the grant amongst the 13 marae

Applicants must provide:

  • A completed application form
  • Details of the project including quotes, plans, resource consents (if applicable)
  • Evidence of endorsement by Marae Trustees
  • Other funding sourced for the Project
  • The Trustees reserve the right to request additional information it requires to make a decision

Affiliate Marae:

  1. Te Waiiti (Ngati Hinekura)
  2. Pounamunui/Otaramarae (Ngati Hinekura)
  3. Taurua (Ngati Te Rangiunuora)
  4. Te Punawhakareia (Ngati Te Rangiunuora)
  5. Waikohatu (Ngati Tarawhai)
  6. Ruaihona (Ngati Tarawhai)
  7. Hinemihi (Ngati Hinemihi)
  8. Ngapumanawa (Ngati Rongomai)
  9. Tapuaekura/Rakeiao (Ngati Rongomai)
  10. Kahumatamomoe (Ngati Rongomai)
  11. Mataikotare (Ngati Rangiteaorere)
  12. Te Takinga (Ngati Te Takinga)
  13. Paruaharanui (Ngati Parua)
Pūtea Āwhina Moni Hanga/Whakatika Marae
Marae Capital Works Fund

Kia mōhio noa, ka tiakina aunoatia e te paetukutuku ō mōhiohio. Mehemea tē taea te whakaoti tēnei tono i te nohonga kotahi, me kati noa i te pūtirotiro ā, ka hoki mai anō ki tēnei whārangi (me whakamahi i te pūrere ōrite) ina rite ai koe.

Please note that the website automatically saves your information. If you are unable to complete this application in one sitting, simply close your browser and return to this page (using the same device) when you are ready.

Please send additional supporting documents via email at info@rotoiti15.com