In October 2020 Rotoiti 15 Trust, on behalf of 6 marae referred to as Ngā Marae o TeHikuwai, secured $2,939,337 of thisMarae Renovation funding from the Provincial Growth Fund to renovate andrestore the following Marae:
The Trust would like to thank all our Marae Trustees, the Provincial Growth Fund officials and wider whānau who worked hard to pull theinitial application together and helped to make our tono successful.
The Trust would also like to acknowledge the work done by a number of our other Te Arawa/Ngāti Pikiao Marae and trusts who were also successful in securing this substantial investment in Te Arawa.
The Trust looks forward to working closely with our Marae to undertake some overdue renovations to our tūpuna whare, whare kai, and wider Marae complexes on the following estimate timeframes
Please note that the programming will also take advantage of weather for external works when able. This means that you may see works occurring throughout the year at the various marae. Please contact your marae trustees directly for more information on how this may or may not affect bookings throughout the year. The project aims to be as flexible as possible for our whānau needing to utilise the marae.
Each Marae has its own schedule of works specific for its needs, however generally each will have works done to it which can be done without needing a consent. This includes works to the ablution blocks, roofing and ceilings, kitchen upgrades, landscaping, upgrading electrical systems and paintworks. The focus is on safety, structural (where allowed for by the funders) and the hygiene of the buildings. Each Marae has its own plan that is agreed by the Project team.
The funding does not include purchasing of capital items, so the project is not able to purchase new equipment for the Marae through this project.
A key component of the funding is the creation of jobs and the employment of local suppliers and contractors – in order to meet this social procurement criteria, Rotoiti 15 has employed a team of our haukainga who either lost their jobs due to the Covid-19 pandemic, or are unemployed, to deliver on the renovation works for our marae.
The project also utilizes local suppliers and Māori business where specialist services are required.
The Project is governed by the Marae Advisory Group, made up of representatives from each of the 6 Marae, with full accountability to the Rotoiti 15 Board. Both groups meet monthly to consider project expenditure and project progress.
For more detail on the marae renovations, we encourage you to contact your Marae Trustees. However general enquiries can come through the office on 07 343 7365 or Equally feel free to come and visit us at Level 1, 1172 Haupapa Street, Rotorua during our office hours 9.30-12 Mon-Wed and 1-3 on Thursdays.
Rotoiti 15 would like to acknowledge our partners who are helping make this project happen.
Groundbased Solutions
Plumbing World
K Brake Electrical
Hynds Rotorua
BH Flooring
Redwood Joinery
Johnstone & Masters Ltd
McFalls Fuels
JDC Refrigeration